Beneath the Chuppah | Micah Parker

Dimensions: Artwork/Paper | Limited Edition Print Run
ketubah4less: 10.5" x 16.25"/12" x 18" | 950
Standard: 12.5" x 19"/14" x 21" | 650

Over a blue sky background, "Beneath the Chuppah" features colorful flowers winding around double marble columns supporting the Jewish marriage canopy. Latticework in pink, blue, coral, and green arch across the top while a golden Star of David surrounding the Hebrew word for life, Chai, is placed at the bottom center of this design by Micah Parker. The phrase "I have found the one in whom my soul delights" arches above the ketubah text in the center and in Hebrew to the left and right of the Star of David. The Hebrew phrase is surrounded by the same vining flowers of the columns. The ketubah text and phrases are in a complimentary green color.

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